Bookends and Birthdays
Well that was a mixed bag of a long weekend. Started grand on Friday as I caught up with my Bestie for lunch. She just happens to own a rather fabulous Italian Restaurant and was cooking on Friday, so I was treated to an equally rather fabulous lunch (as always, I know serious perk). The flowers are mine (a gift from her to me, I am worth it honest) although I wont tell you what she called me when I took this photo and said that I would be publishing it on my blog all in her kitchen working finest - Ha !
After stuffing my face and an afternoon putting the worlds to right with this one. Got home just after Mr E and as the sun was shining, it didn't take too much convincing to go for a walk to the pub (as the rain and cold weather has returned you really do have to take advantage when you can). The promise of a pint was my just rewards for the walk, and with DD we embarked on the intrepid adventure. So sat outside with said pint, it tasted a tad funny (I wont be naming the pub in case I got it wrong) but I was thirsty and to be honest it really didn't touch the sides, but because it didn't taste right I didn't need a second.
Following our solitary pint we wandered back home for tea.
Well I won't go into graphic detail but lets just say that pint was seriously bad and I was poorly for 48 hours, spending most of Friday night / Saturday morning in the bathroom, it was a tad grim. Thankfully by Sunday night I was feeling my old self and after some toast and a good night sleep by Monday morning it was all a distant memory and I was right as rain.
Which I was particular thankful for as I had a lunch date with my Sis and looking forward to seeing my nephew when he got home from school as today he turns 15. Literally seems only yesterday I was cradling him in my arms in Neo-natal and now he's a strapping young man who towers above me, not only strapping but genuinely one of the nicest, funniest most caring humans I know and we can even have discussions on poetry, yesterday he was explaining the meaning of Shelley's Ozymandias, gotta love that boy - yep I know I'm seriously biased ha.
My sis, like my Bestie indulged me and she made me one of my absolute favourites (and no one makes it better than her) smoked salmon mousse which is wrapped with smoked salmon, accompanied with salad and french toast, seriously delicious. What's more she made me an extra salmon to take home, and e voila below is todays lunch part 2, very spoiled I have to say.
So that's the weekend in a nut shell. Two rather lovely bookends to counteract a very low weekend. So the week ahead brings the usual jobs for this housewife and I'm determined to get in the shed proper to make some stock, I seem to be making just in time at the moment as this old life gets in the way. Have a good week, until the next one Cxx