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Getting My Craft On

The marvellous Mr E went with me to my first Craft Exhibition/ Fair. I have been to lots of craft and art fairs and very soon I will be selling at one or two, but these are usually small and artisan and pretty. This was a Craft Fair on steroids with what seemed like a million stalls exhibiting tools and products and craft demonstrations, seriously hard.

The fact he went is akin to him dragging me to a football exhibition looking at different footballs or whatever such things would entail, not sure I would go, so the fact he did, and with relative joviality, is one of the reasons he's my favourite human.

It helped that I could leave him colouring in whilst I browsed

Colouring in the camper van

I could totally rock that hat by the way :)

Now top tip, the entrance fee was £10 per person, so I googled before we went and found a Groupon Discount which got us 2 tickets for £8 instead of £20, bargain.

I bought a new crafting product to decorate stones and glass so watch this space whilst I practice this new craft, I anticipate a car crash but it looked fun and its a new toy to play with. So Happy Saturday peeps, until the next one Cx

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